zondag, februari 08, 2004

Waartoe zijn wij op aard?

You would be surprised how many organizations don't know exactly

what they are about. Maybe they did twenty years ago. Now,

they're drifting. Or living off past glories. Using traditional

marketing and promotional methods, they used to be able to hide

that confusion very well.

Before the Web, it was easy to pretend. Organizations controlled

the message much more effectively. Customers had very little

access to information. A clever advertising and PR campaign

could paint a wonderful picture.

Kijk eens naar http://pvdafdam.blogspot.com ik probeer bijeen te rapen wat er allemaal op de afdelingswebsites staat van de PvdA in Amsterdam (je moet toch ergens beginnen). Toen ik bovenstaande las (McGovern van deze week) kwam dat wel bekend voor.....alle goeie bedoelingen ten spijt.

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